[Catalyst-dev] Ready to Release? Some thoughts on how to decide if we are done

John Napiorkowski jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 18 20:38:38 GMT 2012

Hey All,

As you know there is a TRIAL release of Catalyst floating around with some =
significant updates.=A0 We'd like to determine if this is shipworthy and I =
think as a group we should set some guidelines for shipworthy such as to he=
lp people down the road continue to make the Catalyst platform grow.=A0 Her=
e's my proposal:

A TRIAL release requires the follow measurable metrics to be considered shi=
p worthy state.

=A0 -- Should be able to work with a know set of existing Catalyst dists on=
 CPAN ( Gitalist, Catalyst-Action-REST, Catalyst-Devel, Catalyst-Model-DBIC=

=A0=A0 ^^ This is just my personal list, I'd love to get feedback, or we co=
uld also just say "All things on CPAN that depend on Catalyst that work wit=
h the last three stable versions of Catalyst"=A0 <=3D=3D Should be straight=
forward to script but maybe overkill.

=A0 -- Should accumulate ~150 test results on CPAN Testers and we want to s=
ee solid passes on all the most popular platforms, and no fails that relate=
 to our code.=A0 I think it would be fair to say we support at least the ne=
west version of each distribution from our dependency chain, with older ver=
sions supported as possible, and patches very welcomed from companies with =
specific needs.=A0 The same thing goes for Perl versions I would suggest.

Of course should an emergency arise, those with community trust and comaint=
 should be able to release new code to fix critical errors, such as amazing=
 security problems, or issues with the build that cause Catalyst to not ins=
tall.=A0 Hopefully we won't have lots of those!

I'd love to hear from you all on this, since I think it would be wise if we=
 as a community could find a way to lift some of the grunt work off the sho=
ulders of the heavy contributors so they can continue to think deep thought=
s and we can do the housekeeping work.

Given the above, the current trial version is looking good, but needs a few=
 more days of baking to accumulate more test results in some of the less po=
pular (but important) OS/Perl version combos.=A0 My guess would be we could=
 release it this week should the current trend continue.


John Napiorkowski
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