[Catalyst-dev] trouble with a pdf attachment
Octavian Rasnita
orasnita at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 13:41:35 GMT 2012
> However, when I try to send back a pdf I get an empty file.
> sub attach_pdf{
> my($self, $c, $fileholder, $file, $name) = @_;
> open(DLFILE, "<$file") or die $c->log->debug("Couldn't open file! $!");
It should better be:
open( my $dlfile, '<', $file ) or die $c->log->debug( "Couldn't open file! $!" );
binmode $dlfile;
> my @fileholder = <DLFILE>;
It should better be:
my $fileholder;
{ local $/;
$fileholder = <$dlfile>;
The code above could be written to look nicer, but it could have been harder to understand.
The line "local $/;" sets the var $/ to undef in the local scope defined between { and } so the next line slurps the entire file content in the scalar variable $fileholder.
You could have also use instead:
use File::Slurp;
my $fileholder = read_file( $file );
> close (DLFILE) or die $c->log->debug("Couldn't close file! $!");
It should better be:
close $dlfile or die $c->log->debug( "Couldn't close file! $!" );
> $c->res->content_type('application/pdf');
> $c->res->header('Content-Disposition', "attachment; filename=$name");
> $c->res->body("@$fileholder");
The last line should be:
$c->res->body( $fileholder );
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