[Catalyst-dev] Trouble using Authentication::Store::LDAP

Jillian Rowe jir2004 at qatar-med.cornell.edu
Mon Apr 15 06:41:37 GMT 2013

Hello all,

So after much bungling of source code by adding in Catalyst::Exception->throw(Dumper(whatever)) I have figured out it is binding to ldap correctly, and it is fetching the correct user information. The catch is in the password, which I still haven't figured out.

I did figure out in my conf file the password_field should be userpassword so it matches the ldap entry. Same for the controller.

    default_realm: ldap
                class: Password
                password_field: userpassword
                password_type: crypted
                password_hash_type: MD5 
                binddn: anonymous 
                bindpw: dontcarehow
                class: LDAP
                ldap_server: ldap://od.qatar-med.cornell.edu 
                    onerror:  warn
                    timeout:  30  
                start_tls: 0
                use_roles: 0
                user_basedn: cn=users,dc=qatar-med,dc=cornell,dc=edu
                user_field:  uid 
                user_filter:  (&(objectClass=posixAccount)(uid=%s))
                user_scope: sub 
                    deref: always

$c->authenticate( {id => $user, userpassword => $password} );


Where its failing is in Authentication::Credential::Password. It doesn't look as if I'm getting the right password type. It shows up as just '********' from the ldap entry. 

I also noticed in Authentication::Credential::Password it is deleting the password in stored from the webform login info.


sub authenticate {
    my ( $self, $c, $realm, $authinfo ) = @_; 

    ## because passwords may be in a hashed format, we have to make sure that we remove the
    ## password_field before we pass it to the user routine, as some auth modules use
    ## all data passed to them to find a matching user...
   $c->log->debug("In Authentication::Credential::Password");

    my $userfindauthinfo = {%{$authinfo}};
#    die $c->log->debug("User info is: ".Dumper($userfindauthinfo));
    delete($userfindauthinfo->{$self->_config->{'password_field'}});               <------------------------------------Deleting here

    my $user_obj = $realm->find_user($userfindauthinfo, $c);
    $c->log->debug("User is ".Dumper($user_obj));

    if (ref($user_obj)) {
        if ($self->check_password($c, $user_obj, $authinfo)) {
            $c->log->debug("Check password returned as true");
            return $user_obj;
            $c->log->debug("Password type probably incorrect");
    } else {
            'Unable to locate user matching user info provided in realm: '
            . $realm->name
            ) if $c->debug;

Then where it checks the password

sub check_password {
    my ( $self, $c, $user, $authinfo ) = @_;

    $c->log->debug("Password type is: ".$self->_config->{'password_type'});

    if ($self->_config->{'password_type'} eq 'self_check') {
        return $user->check_password($authinfo->{$self->_config->{'password_field'}});
    } else {
        my $password = $authinfo->{$self->_config->{'password_field'}};
        my $storedpassword = $user->get($self->_config->{'password_field'});

 ... and so on. It should be getting the password from $authinfo->{$self->_config->{'password_field'}, but it is deleting it in previously and it comes up as undef. If I comment out the line at least it isn't undef, but I am still getting stuck on the password type.


Does anyone have any tips on possible combinations of password types I could try?


P.S. It would be nice if there were more debugging messages in the Password module. I went and added these all in by hand, but in general I prefer not to change source code. :)

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