[Catalyst-dev] Trouble with ProxyPass

Jillian Rowe jir2004 at qatar-med.cornell.edu
Tue Jun 18 07:57:04 GMT 2013

Thank you so much Andreas, Tomas, and Moritz! I got it figured out this
morning with your help!

It turns out that having the X-Forwarded-Port in my MyApp.yml was not
sufficient. It needed to be in lib/MyApp.pm

__MyApp__->config->{"X-Forwarded-Port"} = 443

This solved my problem with getting the security message out and form
data passed.

As for serving my static content this is what I did. Hope it helps

ProxyRequests On
ProxyVia On
ProxyReceiveBufferSize 16384
ProxyPass /static !
ProxyPass /favicon.ico !
ProxyPass /bigdata1 !
ProxyPass /gbigdata2 !
Alias /static   /var/www/MyApp/root/static
Alias /bigdata1 /data/share/web_public/bigdata1
Alias /bigdata2 /data/share/web_public/bigdata2

<Location />
  SetEnv force-proxy-request-1.0 1
  SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1

  SetHandler perl-script
  RequestHeader set X-URL-SCHEME https
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all

I believe in the Catalyst documentation the Alias was first, followed by
the ProxyPass. But when I sought the help of Google I found a post
saying it was the other way around.

Thanks for the tips about serving the static data from the controller! I
will keep that in mind.

Now I have a production environment that very closely matches my
production and I am quite happy!

Thanks again!


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