[Catalyst] Catalyst 5 Preview, Part 3

Sebastian Riedel sri at oook.de
Thu Apr 7 15:20:45 CEST 2005

You may know the common problem of pluggable applications.

For example MojoMojo uses multiple chained formatters to render 
different types of input (pod, textile, wikiwords...), just put a new 
formatter module in the right directory and it will become part of the 

Thanks to Module::Pluggable thats not really a big problem, but now in 
Cat5 it's even more simple! :)

     package MyApp::C::Page;

     sub show : Local {
         my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;
         $c->stash->{content} = 

     package MyApp::C::Formatter::Pod;

     sub render_content : Private {
         my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
         # do stuff with $c->stash->{content};
         return 1;

     package MyApp::C::Formatter::Textile;

     sub render_content : Private {
         my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
         # do stuff with $c->stash->{content};
         return 1;

     package MyApp::C::Formatter::Wikiwords;

     sub render_content : Private {
         my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
         # do stuff with $c->stash->{content};
         return 1;

Now if someone requests http://localhost:3000/page/show/1 it would 
thanks to the relative forward "$c->forward('render_content')", call 
all private "render_content" actions in the whole application.
Those actions are called in a chain, just like auto actions, so you can 
break the chain simply by returning 0.

This makes pluggable applications absolute trivial! ;)


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