[Catalyst] A doc in french to start with Catalyst

Ovid publiustemp-catalyst at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 12 22:09:13 CET 2005

--- Gary Ashton-Jones <Gary_ASHTON-JONES at rta.nsw.gov.au> wrote:

> Just an addendum to my previous posting, I am off the Net for
> the next three weeks. Could someone please volunteer to attempt
> to follow the  English tutorial 
> (http://www.geocities.com/garyaj2/Catalyst.html) and report 
> back if it makes sense?

A couple of quick comments.

"Passing a table (actually a table ref)" should be "Passing an array
(actually an array ref)".  "Tableau", in this case, translates to

In "Creating a Controller", the "date" example has:

  sub date {

Should be:

  sub date : Global {

This problem appears in the French version, too.

Later, the following two modules were required but not listed in the
list of things to install:


I'm also wondering if there's a bug with Catalyst::Enzyme?  The
templates 'view_macros.tt' and 'delete.tt' were not found.  I had to
pull them from the distributions t/tutorial/Bookshelf example.

I finally stopped when I got to the Authentication section.  I never
got it to work.  I kept getting blank screens and the "session_login"
result was always 0 (zero).


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