[Catalyst] Page layout w/Catalyst

Brandon Black blblack at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 17:08:32 CET 2005

On 12/15/05, Charlton Wilbur <cwilbur at tortus.com> wrote:
> I think there are two major reasons that Ruby on Rails is popular
> right now.  One is that it offers a single right way to create web
> applications:  if you follow their conventions, you get a web app
> with minimal pain, and their conventions are chosen to be the right
> thing in the vast majority of cases.  Two is that all sorts of nifty
> AJAX things are built right into it, and not only do you get a web
> app with minimal pain, you get AJAX with minimal pain.

The caveat of course is the "vast majority of cases" part.  It is
probably arguable that for those cases which map perfectly to the
expectations of a framework like RoR, the vast majority of
applications in those domains have already been written, or an even
tighter and more effortless way of generating a customized application
in that space has already been written.  In other words, one could
posit that any application which can be written easily in a RoR
framework perhaps shouldn't be written at all, at least not in
something as needlessly complex as RoR for such a task (as compared to
using a bundle of pre-made software, or a package even more specific
to the problem domain which allows for a bit of site customization).

Then there is the class of interesting problems/applications for which
sufficiently good code does not yet exist.  These must be written if
one wants to have the functionality one desires - there is no
alternative, and a narrow-path "framework" simply doesn't allow the
flexibility to do these new things very easily.  Catalyst does, while
still managing to abstract away a lot of the painful repetitive idioms
involved in writing web applications.

> Catalyst, because of its Perlish nature, won't ever appeal to the
> people who want one true way of creating web applications.  At best
> it will appeal to senior technical leads, who choose Catalyst and
> then build their organization's one true way on top of Catalyst.

I'm still mixed on whether this is a good or bad thing.  It's
certainly what's happening at my place.  I don't know if in the very
long term view of the health of the corporation if that's a good thing
or a bad thing, considering things like the difficulty it might pose
them to hire someone versed in Catalyst (or just a good perl hacker in
general), as compared to the relative ease with which they could have
hired a replacement team of substandard java programmers or something.
 Then again, I don't think many others here even think in such long
views anyways.

-- Brandon

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