[Catalyst] Standalone Install Package?

Christopher H. Laco claco at chrislaco.com
Mon Dec 19 17:15:17 CET 2005

After the email about a user switching to RoR because of all of the
[perceived?] install hassles on a shared host, I've been thinking about
if it would be nice to have an unzip-and-run version of Catalyst with
all of it's dependencies in the package itself.

Whether it's perception or fact, I hated upgrading Catalyst 5.33 -> 5.61
with all of the dependencies and the upgrade chain that followed. I hate
CPAN, and have my reservations about CPANPLUS at times with the failing
upgrades/tests that aren't really failures. And that's on my server. On
another server, depending on the package, PREFIX just doesn't make
things easy, or sane. But I digress.

Does anyone see a benefit to having a version of Catalyst that has all
of the dependencies in it's own extlib directory...something people can
simply unzip in their home directory and run?


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