[Catalyst] Authentication and architecture

Jon Molin jon.molin at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 02:19:00 CET 2005

On 12/19/05, Yuval Kogman <nothingmuch at woobling.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 19, 2005 at 19:46:47 +0100, Jon Molin wrote:

[cuting hard in message]

For example, if you want to use sessions you load the session
> plugin, and then you load the store plugin for the backend you want
> (Session::Store::DBI, Session::Store::FastMmap, etc - but not
> Session::Store itself which is just a base class), and the state
> plugin - like Session::State::Cookie.
> Then the Session plugin will use Session::State::Cookie and
> Session::Store::FastMmap to manage the session automatically.
> Authentication is similar:
>         use Catalyst qw/
>                 -Debug
>                 Session
>                 Session::Store::FastMmap
>                 Session::State::Cookie
>                 Authentication
>                 Authentication::Store::DBIC
>                 Authentication::Credential::Password
>         /;

Used what you have there but swaped FastMmap for Session::Store::CDBI and
added ::ACL.

This is probably what you wanted. It means that you'll be using
> Cache::FastMmap to store the session data, cookies to maintain the
> session state across requests, DBIx::Class or Class::DBI to store
> users in a database table, and login/password to verify the users.
> > My plan was to have /, /login and /register
> > accessible to all and let my ::C::Member module handle all sessions,
> account
> > creation/modifications and logins/logouts.
> ( Are you using an up to date version of Catalyst? Please double
> check. )

I wasn't. Used debian testing giving me 5.57, but have now installed
5.61from CPAN. If ::C:: made you think I used an old version was it
just me
being lazy, the generated code was in ::Controller:: format.

        package MyApp::Controller::Member;
>         sub login : Global {
>                 my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
>                 $c->login; # should be enough if you use standard form
>                 # parameters... See
>                 # Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Credential::Password's
>                 # documenation
>                 $c->stash->{template} = 'login.tt'; # displays login
>                 # successful [% IF c.user_exists %], failed otherwise
>         }

I've put this in the controller

> I think you really want Catalyst::Plugin::Authorization::ACL. This
> code should be enough to make the checks happen automatically:

I've added ACL and these, so I'll always end up at the login, untill I get
it working:
__PACKAGE__->deny_access_unless( "/", sub {0});

__PACKAGE__->allow_access_if( "/member", sub { 1 } );
__PACKAGE__->allow_access_if( "/page/default", sub { 1 } );
__PACKAGE__->allow_access_if( "end", sub { 1 } );

>         $c->res->redirect( $c->uri_for( $login_path ) );
> but you can probably handle this better without redirects.

I suspect this is where I'm having problems now. Making it understand where
to go when it realises the user hasn't access to anything but the login and
register. Now I get this:
| Private              | Class                       | Method       |
| /default             | MyApp                       | default      |
| /end                 | MyApp                       | end          |
| /begin               | MyApp                       | begin        |
| /member/name  | MyApp::Controller::Member   | name         |
| /member/login    | MyApp::Controller::Member   | login        |
| /member/register | MyApp::Controller::Member   | register     |
| /page/default       | MyApp::Controller::Page     | default      |

| Path                                 |
Private                               |
| /login                              |
/member/login                         |
| /member/name                | /member/name                          |
| /member/register             | /member/register                      |
| /page/default                   | /page/default                         |

[ ... ACL reg stuff ...]

[debug] "GET" request for "page/default" from ""
[debug] Path is "page/default"
[debug] running ACL rule CODE(0x89d1a3c) defined at
/www/docs/MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm line 60 on begin
[debug] running ACL rule CODE(0x8f84808) defined at
/www/docs/MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm line 64 on end
[debug] Access to end allowed by rule CODE(0x8f84808) (defined at
/www/docs/MyApp/lib/MyApp.pm line 64)
[debug] Rendering template "index.html"
[error] Caught exception "Can't call method "name" on unblessed reference at
/usr/local/share/perl/5.8.7/Catalyst.pm line 919."

my acl rules where above and I used  the login function you suggested.

If I set:
__PACKAGE__->deny_access_unless( "/", sub {1});

And try accessing page/default (just a dummy hello catalyst page) I get the
page I request, as expected since there's no longer a rule restricting it.
In http://dev.catalyst.perl.org/wiki/Faq_ref#au.1 did I see an example using
begin (guess it's the depricated way) and adding that code and keeping sub
{1} gives me the login page for all pages, like it claims to do.

What I can't understand is how to tell Authorization::ACL where to go when
login is required, I'd suspect it defaults to to /login but since that seems
like a loaded path must my guess be wrong.

> ps the example 'Hops' you link to from your first page doesn't work, I
> dunno
> > for how long it's been like that but I guess it'd be good to fix Hops or
> > temporarily remove the link as it confuses
> This is actually a very informative mail in general - you've really
> helped us get some direction in terms of where our documentation
> efforts should go in, how clearly we should document that things are
> deprecated, and how to improve our error handling.
> Thanks!

Thanks for the good reply and sorry for my huge post. Just wanted to try to
fit all in there.

I understand you're (the catalyst team) in transition, the documentation is
imo really confusing with newer plugins not listed, and examples with new
plugins linking to ones with
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