[Catalyst] HTML::Prototype

Will Smith willbelair at yahoo.com
Thu Nov 3 15:36:09 CET 2005

Thanks for the good movie. i have the sample working fine. But when trying to put a column value to have it autocomplete, it does not quite right. please show me where i am wrong:


sub suggest : Local {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    use mytest::M::CDBI::Cd;
    my @complete_me = mytest::M::CDBI::Cd->search_like(cdname=>$c->req->params->{%complete_me%});
    #my @suggestions;
    #push @suggestions, "$complete_me"; ----------- this is where I can append another column value?
    $c->res->output( $c->prototype->auto_complete_result(\@complete_me) );


do i need to work on the template?


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