[Catalyst] V::TT dynamic --> truly static

apv apv at sedition.com
Fri Nov 11 02:05:59 CET 2005

Answering my own question from a couple weeks back, looking for a 
little code sanity check or feedback or just to share if it seems sound.

This is what I've ended up doing in my base class:

sub end : Private {
     my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

     unless ( $c->res->output ) {

         if ( $c->stash->{write_static_file} ) {
             require File::Path;
             require File::Spec;

             my $path = File::Spec->catfile(

             my ( $vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $path );
             File::Path::mkpath([$dir], 0, 0777) unless -d $dir;

             open my $file, '>', $path or die "$!: $path";
             binmode $file;
             print $file $c->res->output;
             close $file or warn "Problem closing $file: $!";

That way I can write a static file by setting 
"$c->stash->{write_static_file} = 1" in any part of any handler.

Any improvements or feedback?

(The reason I'm using this solution instead of caching is the webhost 
in question has a pretty big penalty for process time but gives almost 
unlimited file serving.)

On Saturday, October 15, 2005, at 02:58  PM, apv wrote:
> I'm trying to set up an application that has the best of both words: 
> serve initial requests for a resource dynamically but write the viewed 
> page out to a file so that all subsequent requests for the file get a 
> real file and don't bother the Catalyst dispatcher at all. To update a 
> page that gets out of sync with data, just delete the file and it will 
> get rewritten on the next request.
> I'm setting it up via Apache to check for file existence and if it's 
> not found, pass the request to Catalyst.
>   RewriteEngine on
>   RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}   !-f
>   RewriteRule ^(.+)$         /index.pl [L]
> So, that's all well and good but how should I (how would you) do the 
> Template part of writing the file out? I've done this in the past from 
> within TT with things like this snippet:
>  [[ FILTER redirect( file ) ]]
>     [[ INCLUDE 'page-wrapper'
>        article = art.name ]]
>  [[ END ]]
> Would it be wise to keep it in the template files or move it somewhere 
> into the View? Has anyone tackled this already?
> Thank you!
> -Ashley
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