[Catalyst] exception handling?

Caroline Johnston johnston at biochemistry.ucl.ac.uk
Tue Nov 15 19:18:13 CET 2005

> Hmm. Against 5.5+, I'd suggest using
> $c->forward('/login/login')
>   unless ($c->session->{user} || $c->action eq '/login/login');

Caught exception "Operation `eq': no method found,
        left argument in overloaded package Catalyst::Action,
        right argument has no overloaded magic

$c->action->name seems to work. Should it?

the /login match was a shortcut cos I've got login/login and
login/register and I need to allow public access to both. Better to name
the paths explicitly?

Do you think:

	unless ($c->session->{user} || grep {/$c->action->name/}

and myapp.yml:

#allow certain paths pages to be accessed with no user logged in:
  - 'login/login'
  - 'login/register'

is overkill?


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