[Catalyst] [essuu@ourshack.com: Help wanted - real world $framework
Chisel Wright
chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
Fri Nov 18 18:21:08 CET 2005
If Aaron can send it to the Maypole list ... :-)
----- Forwarded message from Simon Wilcox <essuu at ourshack.com> -----
From: Simon Wilcox <essuu at ourshack.com>
Subject: Help wanted - real world $framework app
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2005 16:40:04 +0000 (GMT)
To: London PM <london.pm at london.pm.org>
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I need some help and it occurs to me that someone here might be interested
in helping out. I've been working with the guys behind www.monday9am.tv to
plan the development of the site. We know what we want to do but
unfortunately I have no tuits left to actually do it (damn $dayjob) and no
money (right now) to pay anyone to do it for us.
I had planned on using Catalyst (or Maypole) to build it and the
requirements are fairly simple. It would make a great portfolio site and
be an interesting showcase for the $framework.
If anyone has a couple of weeks they would be willing to trade for fame,
glory and the project team's undying gratitude, plus beer and maybe even
fortune at some future point, I would be very pleased to hear from you.
http://www.monday9am.tv - an online movie theatre (cinema)
short films that do something
... the art of being alive
----- End forwarded message -----
Chisel Wright
e: chisel at herlpacker.co.uk
w: http://www.herlpacker.co.uk/
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