[Catalyst] HTML::Prototype (observe_field)

Will Smith willbelair at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 22 17:51:14 CET 2005

I've used Html::Prototype in my app. The autocomplete working fine, but the observer_field does not. Here is my simple code (i just want to invoke the javax function for testing purpose, not to return a value, will do this later): 
  on the template:
  [% c.prototype.define_javascript_functions %]
[% c.prototype.observe_field %]
  <input type="text" id="myfield" name="myfield">
  [% c.prototype.observe_field(myfield,{
  url    => base _ observefield/go'   # trigger the sub go -> to another tmplate
}) %]
  in the myapp::C::Observerfield
  sub go : Local {
    my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
    $c->stash->{template} = Observer/new_template.tt';
  Could someone show me why it does not do anything?

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