[Catalyst] FastCGI url handling

Carl Franks fireartist at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 11:41:19 CET 2005

I've been looking at catalyst lately, but am not sure how I could use
it with my current hosting setup. Any advice would be appreciated.

I have shared hosting with fast-cgi on apache 1.3

I would like the catalyst app to be served from a subfolder, say '/myapp'
How can I get url's such as /myapp/products or /myapp/checkout to be
routed to a fast-cgi script?

I've tried adding a .htaccess file at /myapp/.htaccess containing the following
Options +ExecCGI
SetHandler fastcgi-script
Action fastcgi-script /home/user/cgi-bin/test.cgi

If I move test.cgi into the /myapp directory, it runs ok, but if I try
to view any other url such as /myapp/products, it fails with something
such as the following in my error logs
FastCGI: invalid (dynamic) server "/home/user/docs/myapp/products":
script not found or unable to stat()

I was under the impression that the 'SetHandler' would make all urls
under that directory be handled by fast-cgi, and the 'Action' would
direct all fast-cgi handled calls go to the named test.cgi
- obviously I'm mistaken!

Is what I'm trying to do possible?

(One note: I don't have permission to set 'ScriptAlias' in my .htaccess files)


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