[Catalyst] Data::FormValidator

Caroline Johnston johnston at biochemistry.ucl.ac.uk
Thu Nov 24 13:14:41 CET 2005

>   [% FOREACH field IN errors.keys %]
>     <td>[% errors.$field %]</td>

OK - so what is in errors.$field? I'm doing:

 [% FOREACH msg IN c.form.msgs %]
 <b class="warning">[% msg.key %]:</b> [% msg.value %]  <br/>
 [% END %]

Which I think is more or less equivalent (?) and the contents of [%
msg.value %] is something like:

<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold"><span class="dfv_errors">*

Is that what you get? If not, what's the diff between [% msg.value %] and
[% errors.$field %]?


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