[Catalyst] Another RFC. $c->call()

Bill Moseley moseley at hank.org
Fri Apr 14 15:58:21 CEST 2006

On Fri, Apr 14, 2006 at 03:34:39AM +0200, Sebastian Riedel wrote:
> What about:
>      $c->action('/foo/bar')->forward;
>      $c->action('/foo/bar')->detach;
> or (suggested by mst):
>      $c->forward( $c->action('/foo/bar') );
>      $c->detach( $c->action('/foo/bar') );

That would work, and then in my App base I could define my own
method wrappers to name them what I like.

Still, seems like (from the volume of responses) that there would be
use for a new built-in method.  Whatever it's called.  Can't change
forward's behavior without breaking existing apps.

And one request is that if called *without* any arguments it defaults
to the default/list action.


I have controllers that commonly include a null Path attribute for a
"list" method.  In my other actions I often want to "forward" to the
list action if input params are bad.  So it's nice to not have to
name that action by name.

    package App::C::Admin::User;

    # show paged list of all users for /admin/user

    sub list : Path {
        my ( $self, $c ) = @_;

        $c->paged_list( class => DB::User );

    # edit for /admin/usrer/edit/3445

    sub edit : Local {
        my ( $self, $c, $id ) = @_;

        # display list if bad $id passed in
        return $c->forward2 unless $self->valid_id( $id );


My internal_redirect() that prompted this discussion on #catalyst
does this:

    sub internal_redirect {
        my ( $c, $action, @args ) = @_;

        unless ( defined $action ) {
            $action = $c->action->namespace;
        } else {
            $action = join '/', $c->action->namespace, $action
                unless $action =~ m!^/!;

        $c->res->body( $c->subreq( $action, @args ) );

Bill Moseley
moseley at hank.org

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