[Catalyst] Need example of Catalyst with Mason View

Kevin Old kevinold at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 16:51:00 CEST 2006

On 8/13/06, Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> wrote:
> A writeup on "Catalyst for Mason users" or similar based on this setup would
> be very much appreciated; the "TT style" way of doing things is far better
> documented atm because it's the way most of us use Catalyst, but it'd be
> really nice if people who want to do things the Mason way had some better
> starting points - and your setup strikes me as the best starting point for
> that I've see so far.

I've been using Catalyst with Mason for over a year now.  I'd be happy
to put together how I use it.  It's really very basic.

I just use the create script to create a view for
Catalyst::View::Mason -- (create.pl view Mason Mason).  I never change
lib/project/V/Mason.pm, but a data_dir and comp_root can be defined.

Other than that, I just use the end action in my modules to forward
requests to the mason view, just like others do for TT.

In the actual Mason "view" treat it just like any other Mason page.
The $c object is available and the stash can be called like <%
$c->stash %>.

The only downfall of using Mason is that you have the ability to put
loads of logic in "the view" and not let the Controller do the heavy

I'd love to put all this into a formal doc (cleaned up a bit though),
but don't know where it would go and all of that.  Maybe the Catalyst

Also, if there's something I'm not addressing, please let me know.

Hope this helps,

Kevin Old
kevinold at gmail.com

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