[Catalyst] Forms and Plugins and Tutorials, oh my!!
roman at fili.ca
Thu Aug 17 19:28:16 CEST 2006
Almost all your questions are related to JavaScript:
* WYSIWYG editors usually hook on top of <textarea> using a class or ID
* Field focusing is purely JS
* Input masks are ONLY possible with JS
* Autotab is also only possible with JS, just don't abuse it
Kevin Monceaux wrote:
> Fellow Catalyst Enthusiasts,
> The more I see of Catalyst the more I'm liking it. I just started taking it
> for a spin a week or so ago.
> After just finishing the HTML::Widget plugin portion of the Catalyst
> tutorial yesterday I saw the post announcing the FormBuilder plugin. Both
> look very promising. There are a couple of features I'd love to see
> available in one form library or another. I searched through the vast
> asortment of available Catalyst plugins and didn't see what I was looking
> for. So I thought it might be best to ask if any of the current plugins
> provide such functionality. If none do perhaps someone will see this post
> and think, "Hay, that would really be helpful. I think I'll enhance my
> plugin."
> Are there currently any form libraries that integrate a WYSIWYG style HTML
> editor such as the FCKEditor?
> Does any of the available form libraries have the ability to set the focus
> to a particular field? I have a simple bit of JavaScript that combined with
> a <body onLoad="FieldFocus()"> will set the focus to the first form field on
> a page if the page contains a form, but it would be nice to have such
> functionality built into a form library. For some reason my JavaScript
> doesn't appear to work with HTML::Widget generated forms. I haven't tried
> it with FormBuilder generated forms yet.
> Does any available form library implement input mask type functionality?
> Okay, I'll admit it - I'm a fan of old-fashioned text based data entry apps.
> When entering a date, for example, I much prefer to be able to enter
> something like 02132006 into a text field and have the application
> automatically add the separator characters transforming it to 02/13/2006. I
> absolutely hate drop-down boxes on html forms for date entry. Input mask
> type functionality is also helpful for such things as social security
> numbers, phone numbers, etc.
> Does any available form library implement an autotab feature? Extending the
> example above it would be nice to have the cursor automatically skip to the
> next field after entering the last digit of a date in a date field.
> And now I have a couple of image plugin related questions. Are there any
> Catalyst plugins to help deal with uploaded images? I'm looking for
> something along the lines of:
> 1. Generate a random name to avoid duplicate filename conflicts and move
> the uploaded image to an image directory.
> 2. Generate a thumbnail for the image.
> 3. Store the needed image path and size info in a database.
> 4. Helper functions to spit out an appropriate image tag in a template
> for images in the database.
> Kevin
> http://www.RawFedDogs.net
> http://www.WacoAgilityGroup.org
> Bruceville, TX
> Si hoc legere scis nimium eruditionis habes.
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