[Catalyst] 404 Not Found

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Thu Dec 21 07:07:54 GMT 2006

From: "Adam Jacob" <adam at stalecoffee.org>

> Try:
> sub buntati :Path :Args(0) { }

Yes this way works.

> or
> sub buntati :Index { }
> Which does the same thing, basically.

Unfortunately that way it doesn't work, but it executes the default action 
from Root.pm instead.

Anyway, I have seen that the problem is Apache and not Catalyst, because 
Apache sees a file named bunatati.tt in the /root directory, and if I try to 
get /bunatati, it gives a 404 Not Found error and writes the following error 
message in the log:

[Wed Dec 20 22:39:18 2006] [error] [client] Negotiation: 
discovered file(s) matching request: E:/web/TranzactiiBursiere/root/bunatati 
(None could be negotiated).

So I will try to move the templates elsewhere, but until then please tell 
me, is it ok what I did?
I have set DocumentRoot in httpd.conf to be exactly the /root directory, 
because I have seen a favicon.ico there.

If what I did is right, then it is definitely not a good idea to use the 
/root directory for storing templates, the favicon.ico file, possibly the 
robots.txt file also, the /root/static directory...

I think that the best idea would be to have a separate default /templates 
directory on the same dir where /root is, or if for who knows what reasons 
it is necessary to have the templates in the public web directory, it should 
be made a default /root/templates directory.

I think the directory that holds the templates should hold only templates 
and not other files and directories...

If what I did was not right, please tell me what directory is recommended to 
be set as DocumentRoot in httpd.conf.

Thank you.


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