[Catalyst] creating a model

Octavian Rasnita orasnita at gmail.com
Fri Dec 22 20:55:43 GMT 2006

> Hi Octavian,

> Maybe I am not understanding what you are trying to do but ou are trying
> to use a deprecated module (see the output of your email above).  You

Ok, I think I know what's the problem. The problem is that I am using an 
older version of Catalyst, and I have followed the examples from 
Catalyst::Manual::Tutorial that gives an example of using:

    script/tutorial_create.pl model UserData DBIC 

Catalyst might be elegant, but not for Windows where everything works very 
hard, not because of Windows but because Catalyst and the modules it uses 
are very poor compatible with Windows.

I have tried installing the latest version of Catalyst using cpan, but there 
were too many errors to be able to fix them all.
(I guess that the Tutorial from the latest version is updated and doesn't 
recommend trying using the deprecated DBIC).


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