[Catalyst] Session example from Tutorial.pod doesn't work?

catalyst rbroom+catalyst at rbroom.com
Thu Feb 2 01:37:22 CET 2006

I'm new to Catalyst and thought I'd start with the tutorial:

I've gotten through most of the "Users and Authenticating" section and it's all working as advertised, but the last part (sessions) doesn't. >From the doc:

    To keep the user logged in, all we need to do is
    add the Session modules to our collection, and
    the Auth modules will automatically use them;

      use Catalyst qw/-Debug Static::Simple Authentication 
        Session Session::Store::File Session::State::Cookie/;


Unfortunately, the magic isn't working for me. When I call $c->login after a good login, the session apparently hasn't saved the credentials. What's more, when I look at


I don't see any way that it could be using a session. It always wants a user and password to be explicitly passed or included in the CGI args.

Rodney Broom

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