[Catalyst] Testcase for DBIx::Class::Loader - demonstrates failure under load

Brandon Black blblack at gmail.com
Mon Feb 13 16:55:31 CET 2006

On 2/13/06, Toby Corkindale <tjc at wintrmute.net> wrote:
> It's worth noting that if you disable Apache::DBI then the problem goes away..
> but without persistent database connections, the webserver performance
> suffers - and one can use Apache::DBI safely with cDBI::Loader.

I'm just starting to play with the testcase now.

I would suspect that this bug is directly related to bad iteractions
with Apache::DBI.  I think I might even know exactly where, I just
need to come up with some workarounds.  Note that for
DBIC/DBIC::Loader under Catalyst, I don't believe you need Apache::DBI
for persistent connections.  I believe as long as the model instance
stays alive, the connection is persistent anyways without it.  I could
be wrong, but I don't think so.

It still needs to be addressed of course, because someone will want to
use Apache::DBI in the same mod_perl server as DBIC::Loader for
seperate apps or something, at which point this interaction would

-- Brandon

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