[Catalyst] Session question
Will Smith
willbelair at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 3 22:32:01 CET 2006
I'd like to ask a basic question:
I'm using Catalyst::Plugin::Session, Session::Store::File, Sesion::State::Cookie to store some needed client info that can be retrieved everywhere in the app. I followed the instruction:
in the app.pm , set the config as: (I use Session::Store::File instead of FastMmap - I think the FastMmap doesnot work well with Windows XP)
use Catalyst qw/-Debug FormValidator Session Session::Store::File Session::State::Cookie /;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
test->config->{session} = {name => 'test',
expires => 10000};
in the Client controller:
sub checklogin : Local {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $client= $c->req->param('clientID');
push @{ $c->session->{myclient} }, $client;
$c->stash->{myclientID} = $c->session->{myclient};
$c->stash->{template} = 'checkclient.tt';
the result that I get is a hash ref number: ARRAY(0x28b615c)
--- the debug screen :
[Tue Jan 3 16:21:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Found sessionid "41768a07992a3b034
43603e83f982b90" in cookie
I don't know why I donot get the value from the input which is saved to the session. Do I need to specify a file location for the session to be saved? Or it just stays in the cache memory?
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