[Catalyst] Handling arguments with Reges vs the meaning of paths
apv at sedition.com
Fri Jan 6 08:39:51 CET 2006
On Thursday, January 5, 2006, at 10:39 PM, Bill Moseley wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 05, 2006 at 02:18:44PM -0800, apv wrote:
>> Now, I am arguing that the Regex argument (not snippet) handling is
>> conceptually broken and should be changed.
>> http://host.xyz/this/is/a/path
>> http://host.xyz/?these=1;are=1;arguments=1
> Those are parameters. Arguments are what follow the action.
Yes, as far as Catalyst is concerned. A parsed query string becomes the
arguments for standard CGI. And a good standard for URIs is
that what appears to be a literal "/this/is/something" should
really map to something directly and with full meaning; no matter
what is happening in the background (file system, dispatch, 302s, ...).
>> If I have a Regex ('whatever/(STOP-HERE)$'), I really mean the '$'. I
>> want it to stop.
>> I don't want to slurp up more path into arguments because it's not
>> mapping to anything the application does.
>> http://host.xyz/whatever/STOP-HERE/meaningless/misleading/nonsense/
>> should/404
> I'm not sure I'm clear what you are saying. Why not just ignore the
> arguments?
Would we ignore the middle argument? Or the first? Of course not.
trailing ones is possible, because we happen to read left to right, but
think goes against a best practice mindset.
And *all* input should be dealt with by solid code. The more of that the
framework takes off the hacker, the better the framework is.
> It's how the CGI standard works and all the other actions work. Why
> should the Regex matching be different?
>> So, I'm in the position where I'm about to start adding:
>> my ( $self, $c, $path_args ) = @_;
>> die 404 if $path_args;
>> into most all my Regex controllers.
> But, you wouldn't do that for Local and Path actions?
In those cases I am often going to check @path_args for size and
content and die if they don't meet expectations. In those cases
it's not an extra chore to do so; DRY. Though it would be nice to
have a sub xyz : Literal {} to also circumvent needing to do that
when it's not already needed.
I'll add that to the wish/fix/discussion list: a "Literal" dispatch
type that accepts no path arguments. Would also work as
sub index : Literal {} to catch on the local "/."
So, I'm really glad you brought this aspect up b/c I wasn't thinking
broadly enough. There are other problems beyond conceptual with
silently ignoring/okaying args.
No matter how small a percentage of log entries it would be,
it makes reliable/meaningful log parsing all but impossible. I
really don't want logs full of this kind of stuff
to map to a real page b/c the app gave a 200 for the detritus.
It might even encourage more hacking against an application.
Whoo-hoo! It's accepting my spam! I'll send 5 million more through
there right now.
> If $ instead matches the end of the path then someone that wants
> arguments cannot as easily get them. As it is now if you really don't
> want to accept requests with extra PATH_INFO you can just check
> $path_args, as in your example above.
If you want more arguments you could easily get them by leaving off the
and signifying the end of your desired string with other regex
I know I can check the args but as I see it, the args are wrong to be
up when they're to be ignored in many cases, and any framework
which requires code to circumvent default behavior a good chunk of the
is broken, as I'm seeing this.
It's not like it's a huge headache to work around but I do believe it
would benefit from the tweaks I'm suggesting. And of course,
as Catalyst is gaining steam, there may not be a chance to
revisit conceptual design choices like this a year from now.
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