[Catalyst] Has $c->response->redirect behaviour changed?

Alex Kavanagh alex at tinwood.homelinux.org
Mon Jan 23 15:24:31 CET 2006


I just upgraded from 5.61 to 5.63 and I got a strange error with one
of my HTML::Mason templates that complained about a variable not being

The difference between the two seems to be that in 5.61 the view was
NOT processed when a redirect was issued, but now with 5.62 the view
IS processed and therefore it tripped up my view.

In my case the very simple change from:

    $c->response->redirect('/manage/users/' . $obj->username );


    $c->stash->{form} = { field => $field };
    $c->response->redirect('/manage/users/' . $obj->username );

allowed the Mason view to process (i.e. needed the form in the stash).

The reason I question this is that the processed view will never be
displayed due to the redirect.

Is this any of the following:

a) a buggy install?
b) a change in behaviour?
c) a bug that has been introduced?
d) Have I been relying on a 'feature' that I shouldn't have?


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