[Catalyst] Error handling strategy wrt /end

Phil Mitchell phil at 2people.org
Sat Jan 28 02:09:15 CET 2006

On 1/26/06, Bill Moseley <moseley at hank.org> wrote:
>     eval { $c->forward('App::V::TT') unless $c->res->body; };
>     # Catch errors in the template
>     # Of course, might not be able to generate templates....
>     if ( @{$c->error} ) {
>         # Already printed???
>         #$c->log->error($_) for @{$c->error};
>         $c->res->status( 500 );
>         $c->error(0);
>         $c->stash->{template} = 'error.tt';
>         $c->forward('App::V::TT');
>     }

Interesting... why do you use an eval block here? I assumed it would let me
trap exceptions, but since catalyst already traps them, it actually doesn't.
I find that a bit counterintuitive, but I don't know if there's a better way
for catalyst to do it. Here's what I wound up doing:

        # If the view fails, try it again with error template
        if ( @{$c->error} ) {
           my $msg = q{There's been an unexpected error. } .
                      q{Please try again or report the problem.};
           $c->reef_log(error => $_) for @{$c->error};
           $c->stash->{template} = $C->TT_ERROR;
           # If it fails again, redirect to static error page
           if ( @{$c->error} ) {
              $c->reef_log(error => $_) for @{$c->error};
        } # end error handling

Works well. Thanks again .. I learned some things from your code!

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