[Catalyst] forgotten logins

Wijnand Wiersma wijnand at nedbsd.nl
Sun Jan 29 15:43:01 CET 2006

And to be more verbose:

Yuval Kogman wrote:
> Please dump these objects (be very very accurate with respect to
> order as well as method/key access) in the request that user should
> be in, but isn't:
> 	$c->session
> 	$c->{user}
> 	$c->request
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] 
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] * Request 7 (0.020/s) [31067]
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] 
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Found sessionid 
"c73908d56e414dd08007ec2b69ba97d7587a718a" in cookie
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Body Parameters are:
| Key                                   | 
Value                                |
| login                                 | 
Login                                |
| password                              | 
test                                 |
| uname                                 | 
test                                 |

[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] "POST" request for 
"persons/login" from ""
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Path is "persons/login"
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Restored session 
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = {
          '__address' => '',
          '__created' => 1138545089,
          '__updated' => 1138545089,
          'true' => '1'

[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = undef;

[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = bless( {
                 '_body' => bless( {
                                     'body' => undef,
                                     'buffer' => '',
                                     'content_length' => '36',
                                     'content_type' => 
                                     'length' => 36,
                                     'param' => {
                                                  'login' => 'Login',
                                                  'password' => 'test',
                                                  'uname' => 'test'
                                     'state' => 'done',
                                     'upload' => {}
                                   }, 'HTTP::Body::UrlEncoded' ),
                 '_context' => bless( {
                                        '_session' => {
                                                        '__address' => 
                                                        '__created' => 
                                                        '__updated' => 
                                                        'true' => '1'
                                        '_session_data_sig' => 
                                        '_session_expires' => 1138552671,
                                        '_sessionid' => 
                                        'action' => bless( {
'attributes' => {
'Local' => [
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                             'class' => 
                                                             'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                             'name' => 
=> 'persons',
=> 'persons/login'
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                        'counter' => {
                                                       'auto' => 1,
                                                       'persons/_AUTO' => 1,
=> 1,
'persons/_DISPATCH' => 1
                                        'namespace' => 'persons',
                                        'request' => $VAR1,
                                        'response' => bless( {
'_context' => $VAR1->{'_context'},
                                                               'body' => '',
=> {},
=> bless( {
'x-catalyst' => '5.63'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
=> 200
'Catalyst::Response' ),
                                        'stack' => [
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => 'persons',
=> 'persons/_DISPATCH'
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => 'persons',
=> 'persons/_AUTO'
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => '',
=> 'auto'
'Catalyst::Action' )
                                        'stash' => {
                                                     'sitename' => 'The 
BSD job site: ',
                                                     'title' => 'Welcome 
to the BSD job site'
                                        'state' => 0,
                                        'stats' => bless( {
                                                            '_children' => [
bless( {
'_children' => [],
'_depth' => 0,
'_height' => 1,
'_node' => {
'action' => '/auto',
'elapsed' => undef
'_parent' => $VAR1->{'_context'}{'stats'},
'_uid' => 'auto1',
'_width' => 1
}, 'Tree::Simple' )
                                                            '_depth' => -1,
                                                            '_height' => 2,
                                                            '_node' => 
                                                            '_parent' => 
                                                            '_uid' => 
                                                            '_width' => 1
'Tree::Simple' )
                                      }, 'bsdjobs' ),
                 'action' => 'persons/login',
                 'address' => '',
                 'arguments' => [],
                 'base' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'')}, 'URI::http' ),
                 'body_parameters' => $VAR1->{'_body'}{'param'},
                 'cookies' => {
                                'bsdjobs_session' => bless( {
                                                              'name' => 
                                                              'path' => '/',
                                                              'value' => [
'CGI::Cookie' )
                 'headers' => bless( {
                                       'accept' => 
                                       'accept-charset' => 
                                       'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
                                       'accept-language' => 
                                       'connection' => 'keep-alive',
                                       'content-length' => '36',
                                       'content-type' => 
                                       'cookie' => 
                                       'host' => '',
                                       'keep-alive' => '300',
                                       'referer' => 
                                       'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5'
                                     }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
                 'hostname' => 'ad002344.adsl.netland.nl',
                 'match' => 'persons/login',
                 'method' => 'POST',
                 'parameters' => {
                                   'login' => 'Login',
                                   'password' => 'test',
                                   'uname' => 'test'
                 'path' => 'persons/login',
                 'protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0',
                 'query_parameters' => {},
                 'secure' => 0,
                 'snippets' => [],
                 'uploads' => {},
                 'uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'')}, 'URI::http' ),
                 'user' => undef
               }, 'Catalyst::Request' );

[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Successfully authenticated 
user 'Catalyst::Plugin::Authentication::Store::DBIC::User=HASH(0x8bfb10cc)'.
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Rendering template "index"
[Sun Jan 29 15:37:51 2006] [catalyst] [info] Request took 0.065722s 
| Action                                                           | 
Time      |
| /auto                                                            | 
0.007024s |
| /persons/login                                                   | 
0.009686s |
| /end                                                             | 
0.009308s |
|  -> bsdjobs::View::TToolkit->process                             | 
0.007111s |

I think it is odd $c->{user} dumps nothing, the user is authenticated 
this request.
Next request (back to /) looks the same:
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] 
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] * Request 8 (0.014/s) [31067]
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] 
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Found sessionid 
"c73908d56e414dd08007ec2b69ba97d7587a718a" in cookie
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] "GET" request for "" from 
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Restored session 
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = {
          '__address' => '',
          '__created' => 1138545089,
          '__updated' => 1138545089,
          'true' => '1'

[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = undef;

[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] $VAR1 = bless( {
                 '_body' => bless( {
                                     'body' => undef,
                                     'buffer' => '',
                                     'content_length' => 0,
                                     'content_type' => undef,
                                     'length' => 0,
                                     'param' => {},
                                     'state' => 'buffering',
                                     'upload' => {}
                                   }, 'HTTP::Body::OctetStream' ),
                 '_context' => bless( {
                                        '_session' => {
                                                        '__address' => 
                                                        '__created' => 
                                                        '__updated' => 
                                                        'true' => '1'
                                        '_session_data_sig' => 
                                        '_session_expires' => 1138552878,
                                        '_sessionid' => 
                                        'action' => bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                             'class' => 
                                                             'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                             'name' => 
=> '',
=> 'default'
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                        'counter' => {
                                                       '_AUTO' => 1,
                                                       '_BEGIN' => 1,
                                                       '_DISPATCH' => 1,
                                                       'auto' => 1
                                        'namespace' => '',
                                        'request' => $VAR1,
                                        'response' => bless( {
'_context' => $VAR1->{'_context'},
                                                               'body' => '',
=> {},
=> bless( {
'x-catalyst' => '5.63'
}, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
=> 200
'Catalyst::Response' ),
                                        'stack' => [
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => '',
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => '',
=> '_AUTO'
'Catalyst::Action' ),
                                                     bless( {
'attributes' => {
'LocalRegex' => undef,
'LocalRegexp' => undef,
'Private' => [
'Regex' => undef,
'Regexp' => undef
                                                              'class' => 
                                                              'code' => 
sub { "DUMMY" },
                                                              'name' => 
'namespace' => '',
=> 'auto'
'Catalyst::Action' )
                                        'stash' => {
                                                     'sitename' => 'The 
BSD job site: ',
                                                     'title' => 'Welcome 
to the BSD job site'
                                        'state' => 0,
                                        'stats' => bless( {
                                                            '_children' => [
bless( {
'_children' => [],
'_depth' => 0,
'_height' => 1,
'_node' => {
'action' => '/auto',
'elapsed' => undef
'_parent' => $VAR1->{'_context'}{'stats'},
'_uid' => 'auto1',
'_width' => 1
}, 'Tree::Simple' )
                                                            '_depth' => -1,
                                                            '_height' => 2,
                                                            '_node' => 
                                                            '_parent' => 
                                                            '_uid' => 
                                                            '_width' => 1
'Tree::Simple' )
                                      }, 'bsdjobs' ),
                 'action' => 'default',
                 'address' => '',
                 'arguments' => [],
                 'base' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'')}, 'URI::http' ),
                 'body_parameters' => $VAR1->{'_body'}{'param'},
                 'cookies' => {
                                'bsdjobs_session' => bless( {
                                                              'name' => 
                                                              'path' => '/',
                                                              'value' => [
'CGI::Cookie' )
                 'headers' => bless( {
                                       'accept' => 
                                       'accept-charset' => 
                                       'accept-encoding' => 'gzip,deflate',
                                       'accept-language' => 
                                       'connection' => 'keep-alive',
                                       'cookie' => 
                                       'host' => '',
                                       'keep-alive' => '300',
                                       'referer' => 
                                       'user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 
(Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv:1.8) Gecko/20051111 Firefox/1.5'
                                     }, 'HTTP::Headers' ),
                 'hostname' => 'ad002344.adsl.netland.nl',
                 'match' => '',
                 'method' => 'GET',
                 'parameters' => {},
                 'path' => '',
                 'protocol' => 'HTTP/1.0',
                 'query_parameters' => {},
                 'secure' => 0,
                 'snippets' => [],
                 'uploads' => {},
                 'uri' => bless( do{\(my $o = 
'')}, 'URI::http' ),
                 'user' => undef
               }, 'Catalyst::Request' );

[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Rendering template "index"
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [debug] Rendering template "index"
[Sun Jan 29 15:41:18 2006] [catalyst] [info] Request took 0.060559s 
| Action                                                           | 
Time      |
| /auto                                                            | 
0.007655s |
| /default                                                         | 
0.009255s |
|  -> bsdjobs::View::TToolkit->process                             | 
0.007149s |
| /end                                                             | 
0.008438s |
|  -> bsdjobs::View::TToolkit->process                             | 
0.006245s |

> and also list:
> 	Session plugins (State, Store, etc)
> 	Authentication Store (credential verifier is not necessary)
You mean
use Catalyst qw/-Debug Authentication Authentication::Store::DBIC 
Authentication::Credential::Password FillInForm Session 
Session::Store::File Session::State::Cookie Static::Simple Dumper/;


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