[Catalyst] authentication plugin advice
Jonathan Rockway
jon at jrock.us
Thu Jul 27 16:40:51 CEST 2006
I use pubcookie for authentication, which is similar. In catalyst, I
have an C<auto> function in my Root controller that basically just does:
my $user = $c->request->user;
# something bad happened with Pubcookie
$c->stash->{user} = $user;
# etc.
I checked the manpage, and it says $c->request->user is deprecated and
that $c->user should be used instead. There's no mention of $c->user
existing elsewhere in the docs, though, so I'm not sure about that. I
will test and get back to you (well, the list anyway).
Again, as with perl, There's More Than One Way To Do It, so YMMV. I
like Catalyst because I can do my own thing (as evidenced by my blog
software, L<http://www.jrock.us/trac/blog_software>; there are slides
there that talk about my PGP-based auth model, and my non-database
database :)
Jonathan Rockway
Len Jaffe wrote:
> So I have a semi goofy authentication plugin that I
> have to spin soon, and I thought I'd just ask here for
> any advice on how to go about it, and to entertain you
> all.
> I have siteminder hooked into apache via a module, so
> any request to my server is authenticated by
> siteminder before the request can be processed. Once
> authnicated to sitemeinder, the request is allowed to
> hit my cat app, and I get some http headers, one of
> which tells me the users ID.
> So I need to craft auth plugins to use the ID as
> username, not bother with passwords, and look up the
> user record from my DBIC user table.
> Authz will use the DBIC modules and not need
> customization, but I need advice as to which modules I
> need to write, crib&customize.
> I read the authn/authz docs, but I'm still a little
> fuzzy on the details.
> Do I need to write a store::backend?
> a login method?
> other stuff?
> Thanks.
> Len.
> Leonard A. Jaffe lenjaffe at jaffesystems.com
> Leonard Jaffe Computer Systems Consulting Ltd.
> Columbus, OH, USA 614-404-4214 F: 530-380-7423
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