[Catalyst] Authentication::Store::DBIC works undermyapp_server.pl but not Apache/mod_perl

Rodney Broom rbroom+catalyst at rbroom.com
Mon Jul 31 21:33:36 CEST 2006

From: "Matt S Trout" <dbix-class at trout.me.uk>

> Your mod_perl config is loading MyApp.pm twice...

Something is, that's for sure. I can't find anything that would be at fault, though. grep says that nothing is using or requiring MyApp, and the effected apache conf (below) only has one PerlModule line.

      ServerName myapp
      DocumentRoot /home/rbroom/projects/myapp/MyApp/root

      CustomLog /home/rbroom/projects/myapp/logs/access_log combined
      ErrorLog /home/rbroom/projects/myapp/logs/error_log
      <Directory /home/rbroom/projects/>
        AllowOverride All
        Options MultiViews Indexes FollowSymlinks

      PerlFreshRestart On
        use lib '/home/rbroom/projects/myapp/MyApp/lib';

      PerlModule MyApp
      <Location />
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler MyApp
      <Location /static>
        SetHandler default-handler


Rodney Broom

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