[Catalyst] patch to C::P::SubRequest / RFC
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 17 05:22:49 CEST 2006
I'm using subrequests quite extensively in my
application so I'll test out your patch and see if
anything breaks :)
I've actually been trying to work out a patch for this
that spawns off a new thread. I've been using
subrequest for a quasi portal like approach to
building my site and I find that performance suffers
when there are too many subrequests. --john
--- luke saunders <luke.saunders at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've noticed that if, using C::P::SubRequest,
> action_a subreqs to
> action_b and action_b does $c->res->status(400) then
> action_a will
> also return a 400 unless overridden. This is also
> the case for any
> other changes to $c->res that the subreq'd action
> might make.
> This is because C::P::SubRequest doesn't give the
> subreq'd action its
> own Response object. There was some discussion on
> #catalyst where it
> was pretty much decided that this was wrong.
> Attached is a patch which changes SubRequest.pm so
> that it passes the
> subreq'd action a shiny new Response object to
> prevent it stamping all
> over the original. It's feasible that the calling
> action may actually
> be interested in the subreq'd action's Response
> object (for status
> code checking etc) and for this reason if subreq is
> called in list
> context the subreq'd action's Response object is
> returned as the
> second return value: my ($body, $res) =
> $c->subreq(...)
> Ideally, the subreq'd action should probably get a
> whole $c of its
> own, but this would require much work. So I propose
> that this will do
> for now .
> There may be a problem with backwards compatibility
> if this patch is
> actually applied, so maybe this new behaviour should
> only occur if
> some flag is set or if subreq_local (or whatever) is
> called instead.
> Any thoughts?
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