[Catalyst] PHP::View and Template::Toolkit
Jess Robinson
castaway at desert-island.demon.co.uk
Tue Jun 20 14:29:16 CEST 2006
I suspect your problem is that views tend to expect data in one place
(i.e. the stash, and a template file), and output it to another
($c->res->body usually), if you want to run through one and then the
other, you'll need to retrieve the result of the TT view from
$c->res->body, and put it whereever the PHPView is expecting it..
On Tue, 20 Jun 2006, mnichols at mojosoft.org wrote:
> I have a Template toolkit working and and a PHP view working. I would
> like to be able to use the template toolkit then pass to PHP or vise
> versa. It was suggested that this could be done on irc, I have made
> some attempts at this with no luck. I simply tried to forward on to
> the two views but of course as soon as I forward to one thats it. I
> tried to use the render and/or process instead of a forward but
> without any luck.
> $c->stash->{template}="template.with.php.tt"
> $c->forward("TToolkit::View");
> $c->forward("PHP::View");
> If anyone has a better understanding of what catalyst does in the view
> layer and might know how to solve this would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Mojo
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