[Catalyst] (ping textmate bundle maints) filename in svn repos
kiki at bsdro.org
Wed Jun 28 00:01:20 CEST 2006
Matt S Trout wrote:
> Fayland Lam wrote:
>> I can't svn checkout the fresh code of Catalyst and DBIx-Class since the
>> filename contains ":" like. U know Win32 don't allow that.
> If you'd actually given us this error message things would have been fixed
> sooner. By the way, it's "You" not "U". This is not AIM.
> svn: Can't check path 'Catalyst\trunk\misc\textmate_bundle\Catalyst.tmbundle\Sni
> ppets\:loc.plist': The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incor
> Can whichever mac-using wuss checked that in correct it please?
Actually, I got the error too (after reading the original message and
attempting a subversion update), but I refrained from "me too"-ing as it
was already reported (not very respectfully, yes) and because there is
no easy way around it (apart from manually checking out every directory
except the broken one). Funny thing is I got a similar case reported
just last week from a windozing coworker. The solution was to for me to
"svn rm" it, and for the affected party to remove the affected directory
and "svn up" again. Or "svn co", whatever works for ya.
It's just one of those windows annoyances, and there's no way around it
except for nobody commit no file with a colon in it,
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