[Catalyst] PPM vs CPAN
Carl Franks
fireartist at gmail.com
Fri Jun 30 00:26:54 CEST 2006
You may want to look into Vanilla / Strawberry perl as an alternative
to ActivePerl.
It includes the mingw (gcc) compiler and nmake, and the perl included
is compiled from scratch with mingw, rather than ms compilers.
The files are here (get the .exe) :
Vanilla Perl is officially experimental because until a few months ago
some of the core modules were a bit flakey on windows, but I use it
full time for development and running catalyst under fastcgi / apache
and have no problems.
The quite recent site http://win32.perl.org has a news item added
today by Adam Kennedy, saying he's hoping to get a new release of
Vanilla Perl and also an initial alpha of Strawberry Perl both out
Strawberry perl in just Vanilla Perl, but with an up-to-date
Bundle::CPAN, and IO / LWP modules - so it's considered a more
realistic 'basic' version, rather than vanilla, which is really
targeted at people wanting to do CPAN testing.
Anyway, as I said, I use Vanilla Perl, and have had very little
trouble getting everything installed using CPAN.pm - no more trouble
than occasionally crops up with other platforms - and the problems
that exist have been getting fixed with-a-vengence these last few
It doesn't come with PPM.pm, but I've written a script that will
download PPM's from Kobes' repository and install them for me - I
think the only modules I need to do that for are DBD::mysql and
Image::Magick. PPM's are just archive files though, so it's easy
enough to extract the files from.
The next distribution will be Chocolate Perl, which will include a lot
more useful modules, including everything that comes with ActivePerl
(including PPM.pm) - hopefully we'll get an alpha of this out this
On 29/06/06, Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior <acid06 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, unless it's something absolutely necessary, I'd suggest you
> against deploying it in a Windows server. It's somewhat of a hassle to
> get mod_perl or FastCGI working correctly under Windows, the best I've
> got so far is running Catalyst under Apache::Registry, since mod_perl
> crashes when using PerlModule directives and I can't manage to even
> compile FastCGI and it's related Perl module and the built-in server
> becomes really slow if you need to support IE clients directly
> connecting thanks to the necessary -k switch.
I use a binary fastcgi apache module which I downloaded from the
fastcgi website.
I can't remember whether I had problems compiling FCGI.pm - maybe
that's one of the few I had to get a PPM for. If you use PPM.pm, make
sure you add Randy Kobes' cpan mirror repository.
If anyone has problems with compiling/installing modules on windows,
it'd be really appreciated if you could report the problem on
rt.perl.org, and post a note on the "Compatibility List of Perl
Modules" wiki page, so people know to chase it up.
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