[Catalyst] html-widget bug or design?

Nilson Santos Figueiredo Junior acid06 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 2 16:06:29 CET 2006

On 3/2/06, Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> wrote:
> my @foo = $obj->foo;
> my $x = scalar @foo;
> my $y = scalar $obj->foo;
> will result in $x and $y not being the same thing, which is horribly
> unintuitive - hence why DBIx::Class::ResultSet objects numify to the number
> of records.

Altough I think that "horribly unintuitive" is an exageration - it is
at most slightly unintuitive - and that I, myself, wouldn't write code
like this (just a matter of programming style, really) this behaviour
seems fine and coherent so it's probably a good thing to numify to the
number of objects.

-Nilson Santos F. Jr.

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