[Catalyst] UTF-8 strings getting stragely converted to latin1 when coming from MySQL DB

Paul Makepeace lists.rawmode.org at paulm.com
Fri Mar 3 11:14:54 CET 2006

Je 2006-03-03 10:10:49 +0000, Michele Beltrame skribis:
> Hello Matt!
> > __PACKAGE__->storage->on_connect_do([ "set names utf8" ]);
> >
> > to ensure this gets run immediately after the $dbh is (re-)connected.
> At last I was able to migrate one of my Catalyst application to
> DBIC::Schema. However, putting this query in the schema class does no
> good for the UTF-8 thing.

As an anecdotal datapoint, I didn't find this to be of use; it seemed to
garble the output. At the same time, I didn't look too hard at it.

Matt - did you suggest this off the back of my experimentation on IRC
or have you actually had it work?

> How can I be sure it is executed? I tried replacing it with something


early on, before you perform a query.


Paul Makepeace .............................. http://paulm.com/inchoate/

"What is edmontonians Map? One leg is both the same."
   -- http://paulm.com/toys/surrealism/

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