[Catalyst] Where should constraints go

Ian Docherty ian at iandocherty.com
Fri Nov 3 19:16:17 GMT 2006

Matt S Trout wrote:
> Ian Docherty wrote:
>> My problem is finding a clean way of getting these constraints out of 
>> the Model and into the View so that I can generate meaningful error 
>> messages without hard-coding them in the templates. By 'clean' I mean 
>> not having to code the Controller to act as the middle-man and just 
>> pass them from the Model to the View.
>> Perhaps I am expecting too much.
> No, I understand entirely, and you aren't expecting too much at all - 
> except perhaps any expectation that this would already be fully 
> implemented :)
> We're doing this in Reaction using Moose to provide an introspectable 
> metamodel so the update action class reflects its constraints off the 
> model and then the form reflects its field types off the update action 
> and the fields just have the constraints "already there" when they're 
> doing validation. It's been hard work and there's a lot of hard work 
> still to come but so far it works bloody well.
How the hell do you find the time to work on Catalyst and on Reaction at 
the same time!!!

One thing occurs to me. What I want to do is to get parameters from the 
Model (or the Business layer) into the View via the stash. So for a User 
object I want be able to do something like.

<td align="left" class="error">Username must be between [% 
schema.user.username.min %] and  [% schema.user.username.max %] 

The only problem now is how to get this information from the DBIC data 
in a DRY manner.

My model namespace is not in Catalyst as in:-


but is in

so that I can use it outside my Catalyst application (for example in 
cron jobs) so I don't have a mechanism to do something like.


Where 'constraints' would populate the stash with all the constraints 
for the User table.

The only option I can see is to do a call everywhere that I need 
constraints as follows.

$c->stash->{schema}{user} = MyApp::Model::DBIC::User::Constraints();

And in there do the following.

sub Constraints {
    return {
       username => {
          min   => 0,
          max   => 16,
       firstname => {
          min   => 0,
          max   => 32,

Carl Franks has proposed a method using 'columns_info_for' which I will 
have to give some more thought to and this may remove my worry that by 
doing the above I am not doing it in a DRY manner.

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