[Catalyst] IDE/editor
Marcello Romani
mromani at ottotecnica.com
Wed Nov 15 07:28:06 GMT 2006
catalyst.20.chsg at spamgourmet.com ha scritto:
> I hesitate to ask this question because it seems to often result in
> some juvenille flame war. Everyone is different, with different needs
> and preferences. That's why we have choices. It's Perl after all,
> right? [grin]
> With that out of the way, what IDE or editor works well for you?
> My default has been VIM since I'm really comfortable in it and can
> edit text really fast with it. However, as a very visual person, I
> find it cumbersome when having to flip back and forth between all of
> the files. This is especially true since I'm new to Catalyst and
> don't have everything solidified in my head.
> As a side note, I work on OS X, so any references to Windows-only
> programs won't really be useful but may be for others who come accross
> this thread.
> I'm mostly just interested in what has worked for you (and will take
> everything with that grain of salt), not what is crappy about other
> programs.
> Many thanks in advance,
> Conan.
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I've learned vim in the Unix class (1st year at university), and used it
ever since on Linux. I like it on X11, where I can have something around
130x100 chars and 4+ windows in the same terminal. On Windows I tried
various editors and came to like Crimson Editor.
It has easily customizable syntax highlighting, it is pod-aware and lets
your create "projects", which are nothing more than a structured bunch
of files but are useful nonetheless.
Marcello Romani
Responsabile IT
Ottotecnica s.r.l.
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