[Catalyst] uri_for (or lack thereof) in static pages
Zbigniew Lukasiak
zzbbyy at gmail.com
Fri Nov 17 10:06:15 GMT 2006
Just an idea - modify the test server to serve under localhost:3000/myapp.
On 11/16/06, Cédric Bouvier <cbouvi at free.fr> wrote:
> I have a ѕimple yet thorny problem, which I expect most of you also have
> or had. It has several possible solutions, but I'm chiefly interested in
> knowing how *you* would solve it and why.
> We're developing a Catalyst application. It serves HTML, CSS,
> JavaScript, and images. HTML is the output of TT2, but CSS, images and
> JavaScript are static. We have them served by C::P::Static::Simple on
> the built-in server, and we use a <Location> the have them directly
> served by Apache/mod_perl, one the production server. Under mod_perl,
> the application's root is not the server's root, i.e., it is
> http://server/myapp, whereas it is http://localhost:3000 on the built-in
> test server.
> This would not be a problem if the CSS were not linking to images. And
> because CSS pages are static, they cannot make use of uri_for(), and
> therefore get the links to the pictures wrong.
> Several solutions come to mind, and I cannot choose which one I like
> best (or I dislike the least):
> - have CSS served through TT2. I'm wondering about the extra load it
> would put on the Catalyst engine. Maybe it's completely negligeable,
> maybe not... Is it worth the effort to cache them? If so, what are the
> recommended best practices?
> - make all links in CSS relative. This makes it harder to spread the
> stylesheets in a deep directory structure, unless one is willing to
> tediously count the ../../.. (or was it ../..?) and count them again
> when a stylesheet moves.
> - insist that MyApp be installed at the server's root, bribing the
> sysadmin if need be (or threatening, or loudly shouting at, or blackmailing, or
> sacking, torturing...)
> - use some black magic involving mod_rewrite or even HTTP::Proxy to
> modify the broken links on the fly... Hmmm, blackmailing the sysadmin
> should be easier than having him tweak mod_rewrite...
> - Pre-process the CSS at install time, with some sort of ttree, and then
> serve them as static content.
> Any war stories worth telling, Gentlemen, Ladies?
> --
> C é d r i c B o u v i e r
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (GNU/Linux)
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> =YG65
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Zbigniew Lukasiak
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