[Catalyst] Catalyst::Action::REST
Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
rs at 474.at
Mon Nov 20 19:50:18 GMT 2006
Bill Moseley said:
> So what does that look like in real life? What if process_form() fails
> validation?
Well, this is my plan. Although it's written with :Method syntax, but
that's only a slight difference I assume.
# ties this stuff to the rest of the controller. also does stuff
# that auto did in the past.
sub base: Chained PathPart('foo') CaptureArgs(0) { }
# form setup
sub form: Chained('base') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(0) {
# setup form (e.g. H:W) here
# handles /foo/create on GET
# display creation, set defaults in form
sub create: Chained('form') Method('GET') { }
# handles /foo/create on POST
# try to store. form should contain submitted information. H:W can
# do this easily for example
sub do_create: Chained('form') PathPart('create') Method('POST') {
# if valid, create and redirect
# otherwise, display form again.
# loads model into stash. 404 should also be handled here-in, but
# I'll spare us that.
sub load: Chained('form') PathPart('') CaptureArgs(1) {
my ($self, $c, $foo_id) = @_;
my $foo :Stashed = $c->model('DBIC::Foo')->find($foo_id);
# handles /foo/123/edit on GET
sub edit: Chained('load') Method('GET') {
# fill form with data from my $foo :Stashed
# handles /foo/123/edit on POST
sub save: Chained('load') Method('GET') {
# if valid, store item and redirect
# otherwise display form with submitted information again
# handles /foo and returns list of items
sub list: Chained('base') PathPart('') Method('GET') { }
# optimize HEAD requests
sub head: Chained('base') PathPart('') Method('HEAD') { }
To list the chains:
/foo -> base, list|head
/foo/123/edit -> base, form, load, edit|save
/foo/create -> base, form, create|do_create
Might look like many actions at first, but they do very little stuff. I'd
probably also add some controller base magic to do a _NoForm attribute to
tie to load when I don't need a form. A simple 'view' action for example.
Well, ideally the widget system would know how to render as form _and_ as
static display.
# Robert 'phaylon' Sedlacek
# Perl 5/Catalyst Developer in Hamburg, Germany
{ EMail => ' rs at 474.at ', Web => ' http://474.at ' }
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