[Catalyst] NEXT vs SUPER in the catalyst handle_request cycle
J. Shirley
jshirley at gmail.com
Mon Nov 20 22:04:26 GMT 2006
Take a look at Class::C3 and next::method, much faster than using NEXT
and you still get the benefits.
On 11/20/06, Michael Reece <mreece at vinq.com> wrote:
> i am overriding a handful of catalyst methods so that i can inject
> some custom debugging/timing code into the request cycle.
> in MyApp.pm, i have methods
> handle_request
> prepare
> dispatch
> forward
> finalize
> that each do their thing and then return $c->NEXT::foo(@_) or $c-
> >SUPER::foo(@_), but i am having a difficult time telling when i
> should use SUPER and when i should use NEXT.
> recent benchmarks pointing to the slowness of NEXT (plus the
> annoyances caused by stepping into a NEXT call in the debugger) has
> led me to use SUPER instead where it seems safe, and trial and error
> has led to apparently needing NEXT for finalize, while SUPER works
> for the others, but i am not convinced it is Right.
> could/should i just call NEXT for all of them? or is NEXT only
> appropriate for certain overrides? is there an easy way to determine
> when to use one versus the other?
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