[Catalyst] Re: Catalyst::Action::REST
Matt S Trout
dbix-class at trout.me.uk
Tue Nov 21 15:16:41 GMT 2006
Garrett Goebel wrote:
> On Nov 20, 2006, at 9:02 AM, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
>> * Matt S Trout <dbix-class at trout.me.uk> [2006-11-20 15:25]:
>>> Feel free to propose a variant on the syntax marcus proposed
>>> that will allow the implementation of equivalent functionality
>>> without the addition of multimethods to the perl core.
>> Oh! Now I feel silly.
>> Eh.
>> OK, to lay out my own thinking a little, when I was doing my
>> silly PATHINFO-based hack-up of CGI::Prototype::Hidden, the plan
>> eventually became to have one class per handler, with methods
>> named after, err, methods, eg.:
>> sub GET { ... }
>> sub POST { ... }
>> sub HEAD { ... }
>> I still think that’s cleanest approach.
> That's pretty much what I wound up doing. Except I was more focused on a
> RESTful rewrite of InstantCRUD to generate one controller class per
> table. It is very clean and simple. All my per-table controllers
> inherited from a single base controller which implemented actions for
> create, read, update, delete, edit, show, index.
This is basically how Reaction handles CRUD
>> Catalyst as it stands somewhat encourages a confusion between
>> nouns (URIs) and verbs (methods), with URIs like
>> `/entry/1234/comments/add`, where the `/entry/1234/comments` part
>> identifies a resource, but the `/add` bit at the end is really an
>> verb. That should simply be a POST to `/entry/1234/comments`.
> I ended up disagreeing with the RoR folks and Audrey's REST work in
> Jifty. I think leaving the key unspecified is a bad idea. Sometimes a
> table has more than one primary key candidate. Or you may want to limit
> the result set based on field that isn't a primary key. What I
> implemented back around the same time as John Napiorkowski was working
> on the same thing was:
> /entry/id/1234/comments
> vs.
> /entry/surname,given_name/Pagaltzis,Aristotle/comments
> vs.
> /entry/status/open
Again, pretty much exactly how Reaction handles it, except that I've shied
away from dealing with multi-col PKs -just- yet :)
>> And
>> most of the time, if the design is RESTful from the start, you
>> can implement a web app as pure CRUD using the HTTP methods; eg.
>> the methods in a controller should simply correspond 1:1 to HTTP
>> verbs. That was as far as I had gotten my own thoughts.
>> Of course, there are going to be some cases where that isn’t
>> quite enough; for these, you could have the option of adding
>> methods that work as if they were custom invented HTTP methods.
>> The framework could permit tunneling unsupported methods inside
>> POST requests, which it would automatically unravel before
>> dispatching. The Rails guys were doing something along these
>> lines; I have to take another look sometime.
> I tunneled PUT and DELETE inside a POST via a "_method" body parameter,
> which was automatically unravelled before dispatch within an overridden
> Catalyst::prepare_body_parameters method.
Clever. Would you be willing to separate that out as a plugin with a
configurable parameter name? I think that might be well-received (and actually
something that *should* be a plugin for once :)
>> What I don’t like about the current proposals in Catalyst-land
>> is that they make the RESTful approach a wordy non-default
>> option. It takes quite a bit of extra annotation with any of
>> them, even if each annotation is concise. It ends easier to just
>> put verbs in your URIs, where it should be just as easy to do it
>> properly.
> I'm not sure I follow you. RESTful uri's end up being shorter. I suppose
> you're talking about the pain associated with implementing a RESTful
> interface within a catalyst app.
> The annoying problem that I ran up against was:
> 1) Catalyst is designed with the assumption of dispatch based on first
> match instead of best match. I.e. Catalyst::Dispatcher short circuits on
> the first dispatch type attribute which matches. So side effects in the
> dispatch type's ->match method aren't guaranteed if multiple dispatch
> type parameters were specified.
It's not -exactly- first match, more an implicit assumption that the match of
the most path parts is the best match - I effectively consider the current
dispatcher to be half refactored from the 5.0 implementation, but haven't yet
found a design for the second half I consider satisfactory.
> 2) All dispatch types are based on the request's path. If you want to
> dispatch based on additional criterion, you're supposed to bury the
> dispatch match logic in action classes.
You seem to consider dispatching on the path above all to be a bad thing; I
don't quite understand this since the nature of HTTP/REST is that the URI
identifies the entity and -then- the query parameters are applied, if present,
representing a search on that entity, and only then is the method (and body if
any) applied to the entity resulting.
> Fast is good and well, but I'd rather be correct than fast.
That's nice, but mapping path -> entity first *is* correct, at least for
implementing REST :)
> I ended up subclassing the Catalyst::Dispatcher to make prepare_action
> match all the dispatch types attributes specified for an action. This
> allowed me to move my dispatch logic out of action classes and into
> dispatch types where IMHO they belong.
I think what we really need to do is re-think the dispatch logic somewhat -
entity, then search, then apply method+body is definitely correct, but
matching the action first (and having the actions be singleton-per-app) is
almost certainly wrong.
What I think we really want to be doing is something like Chained, but where
the controllers rather than being a singleton-per-app are instantiated
per-request, so
POST /foo/id/1/bar/id/3?baz=quux would do something like
my $foo_c = Controller::Foo->new(id => 1, parent => $app);
my $bar_c = Controller::Bar->new(id => 3, parent => $foo_c);
$bar_c->apply_search(baz => 'quux');
or similar. I don't think the above is -quite- right but I think it -is-
closer than how things currently work.
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