[Catalyst] template comparison

Max Afonov max.afonov at mlb.com
Fri Oct 27 19:43:02 BST 2006

There's no doubt about that. Bad design can turn any project into a 
horrible quagmire. One can even treat Catalyst as a glorified CGI.pm and 
never really use any of the MVC goodness. And don't even get me started 
on TT having a whole different syntax, one that could be easier taught 
to web designers, but also one that has to co-exist alongside Perl. 
Forget the syntax though, it's not just that... It's another level of 
complexity in a stack of technologies that already provide for a complex 
system without another layer.

Jonathan Rockway wrote:
> Max Afonov wrote:
>> This just isn't true. First and foremost, why does your Mason template
>> even think about considering direct usage of DBI? In a <table> tag? With
>> a raw SQL query? Can't one set $c->stash->{rowset} to whatever DBIC
>> returns, and then declare:
>> <%args>
>>    $rowset
>> </%args>
>> Suddenly, the $rowset is available in your template without you having
>> to fetch it manually. Or you could just use $c directly since it's set
>> up as a global variable, at least when you're inheriting from
>> C::V::Mason anyway.
> I'm just saying this is the sort of thing I've observed in real life.  YMMV.

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