[Catalyst] HTML::Widget, callback constraint, and multiple records per form

Ben Hopkins hopkins.ben at gmail.com
Fri Sep 1 05:48:36 CEST 2006

Here's what I have:  a table (counties) that has county names in it.  I want
to be able to add counties.  Just one county per screen seems pretty dumb,
so I want a bunch of counties.  The sole constraint is that a county cannot
already be in the database, and I figured the Widgets' constraint method
would be perfect for that.

Here I make the widget:

sub make_counties_widget {
    my ($self, $c) 
    my $w 
    for my $f (1..10) {
        $w->element('Textfield', "name$f")->label('County Name:');
        $w->constraint('Callback', "name$f")->callback(&see_if_exists);

    $w->element('Submit', 'Submit')->value('Submit');
    return $w;

Already, I'm wondering where the error message will go.  Anyhow, I got
completely lost when writing 'see_if_exists' because the args are
unintelligible.  It looks like the second arg is the Catalyst context, and
within there I can find the form results, but if that's the case, why does
it have to be called once for each field?  It stops being a field validation
and becomes a form validation called once for each field!?!

Does anybody use callback?  Does anybody do multiple create/delete/updates
per form?
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