[Catalyst] another newbie chaining question
John Napiorkowski
jjn1056 at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 6 23:28:28 CEST 2006
After a little more digging I discovered that
$c->action when inside a chained action is actually an
ActionChain object. This is like an object that wraps
each action in the chain up to this point. It has a
method called ->chain which returns an array ref. So
I though I could get the previous action thusly:
my @actions = @{$c->action->chain};
my $previous = $#action-1;
my $previous_action = $actions($previous);
However I find this doesn't quite work right. Does
anyone know if I am on the correct track?
--- John Napiorkowski <jjn1056 at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Anyway to get the action which was previous to the
> current one in a given chain? I know you can get
> the
> previous arguments and captures but right now I'm
> using a stash setting as a hackaround:
> sub first :Chained CaptureArgs(1)
> {
> my ($self, $c, $arg) = @_;
> $c->stash->{'last_action'} = $c->action;
> }
> sub second :Chained CaptureArgs(0)
> {
> my ($self, $c, $arg) = @_;
> $c->log->debug("The previous action was:
> ".$c->stash->{'last_action'});
> }
> I from looking at all the action code my head is
> spinning a bit. Anyone run into this kind of
> problem?
> Thanks, sorry for posting so many questions lately,
> I
> know you're all busy like me.
> --john
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