[Catalyst] RESTful perl implementations...
Garrett Goebel
ggoebel at goebel.ws
Fri Sep 8 06:56:25 CEST 2006
My apologies. I haven't made the time yet to fix my code to use an
ActionClass. And it doesn't look like I'll have a chance to work on
things again until this weekend at the earliest.
In the mean time, you might consider checking out the
Jifty::Plugin::REST::Dispatcher in the svn repository (http://
svn.jifty.org/svn/jifty.org) and the slides from the following
presentation: http://pugs.blogs.com/talks/oscon-rhox.pdf.
On Sep 7, 2006, at 8:22 AM, John Napiorkowski wrote:
> I'm not trying to make something as magical as
> InstantCRUD, but I'd like to add some RESTful matching
> and convienence to Catalyst actions. So I'd like to
> be able to match on various HTTP method types and
> preparse XML type bodies by various modules (XML::Atom
> if it's an atom feed, XML::Simple if it's
> application/xml, etc.)
> My goal is to make it easy to build web services
> similar to the Google Data API.
> As a side project, but related, I'm working up a
> controller to handle different error types, so you can
> just say $c->detach('/errors/method_not_allowed') and
> have it give a meaningful response.
> I've attached something I'm working on (which I am
> sure doesn't work yet :) ) to give you the idea of my
> direction. If you think it looks in the same ballpark
> as your goal we should followup.
> Seems all the cool REST articles are using Python or
> Ruby, I'd like to give them a reason to use Perl
> instead :)
> --john
> --- Garrett Goebel <ggoebel at goebel.ws> wrote:
>> On Sep 6, 2006, at 3:35 PM, John Napiorkowski wrote:
>>> Garrett,
>>> Looks like we are working on something similar. I
>>> hadn't noticed your postings about two weeks about
>> (I
>>> was in the middle of moving from Beijing back to
>> the
>>> USA and missed about a week of Catalyst postings)
>> or I
>>> might have saved time asking the same questions
>> you
>>> asked.
>>> I'm actually doing this as an Action class. Since
>> I
>>> don't find any additional posts I'm not sure your
>>> status. Want to collaborate? I am also very
>>> interested in REST based services and would enjoy
>>> having someone to bounce ideas off of.
>> I've just been through something similar. Moving
>> back to the USA from
>> Lima, Peru.
>> I spent the week following that last post dissecting
>> InstantCRUD and
>> rewriting something similar but RESTful for the work
>> I've previously
>> mentioned. I had to present something that kinda
>> sorta worked on the
>> 28th. Which led to many shortcuts being taken. I'm
>> still not happy
>> with where I'm at. But the last week of
>> transitioning back to the
>> states and getting the kids into school is settling
>> down. Reminder to
>> self... I still need to send a foreign key patch for
>> DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader::DBI::SQLite to Brandon.
>> I'd be happy to collaborate. I'm fully aware that
>> I'm unaware of
>> Catalyst best practices. And like you, I'd love to
>> bounce ideas and
>> code around.
>> Perhaps you could start by describing your goals and
>> your approach in
>> more detail. I still need to convert my hacked
>> Catalyst::Action into
>> an class derived from ActionClass. If I get some
>> time tomorrow, I'll
>> work that up and post some code.
>> cheers,
>> Garrett
>>> --- Garrett Goebel <ggoebel at goebel.ws> wrote:
>>>> On Aug 22, 2006, at 3:49 AM, Matt S Trout wrote:
>>>>>> Garrett Goebel wrote:
>>>>>> I hacked something into the Path and Regex
>>>> dispatchers to get
>>>> collective
>>>>>> matching on method and path working in the
>>>> prototype.
>>>>> You shouldn't need to hack anything into these;
>>>> just use a custom
>>>> ActionClass
>>>>> that overrides $action->match to introspect onto
>>>> the request
>>>> method and
>>>>> anything else you need (this is already how
>> :Args
>>>> is handled, see the
>>>>> Catalyst::Action source for the implementation).
>>>> Thanks. I'd found the :Args code in
>> Catalyst::Action
>>>> last night and
>>>> managed to shoehorn the request method and path
>>>> parameter matching
>>>> checks into it. How to subclass or override it
>> was
>>>> going to be my
>>>> next question. I'll check out using a custom
>>>> ActionClass.
>>>> Last night I also sub-classed the Request class
>> to
>>>> add:
>>>> __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw/path_parameters
>>>> accept_extension/);
>>>> And I'm currently subclassing the Dispatcher to
>>>> override
>>>> prepare_action in order to:
>>>> o remove uri path parameters from
>> $c->request->path
>>>> and add to
>>>> $c->request->path_parameters
>>>> o remove "file" extension from last path segment
>>>> and add to
>>>> $c->request->accept_extension
>>>> o filter body parameters from using content_type
>>>> implied by the
>>>> accept_extension (json, yaml, etc) and add to
>>>> $c->request-
>>>>> parameters.
>>>> Perhaps I should consider just using the
>>>> $c->request->content_type?
>>>> o check POST requests for hidden
>> _method=DELETE|PUT
>>>> parameter and
>>>> update
>>>> $c->request->method accordingly
>>>> These are all things I want to do once per
>> request,
>>>> not once per
>>>> action. Certainly there are better places to
>> perform
>>>> some of these
>>>> tasks. And I would like to hear any advice on the
>>>> best place to
>>>> override catalyst for each. In the mean time, at
>>>> least I've got a
>>>> proof of concept working.
>>>> My controller now is able to look like:
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model.json
>>>> sub index :GET :Path('') Args(0) {
>>>> my ($self, $c) = @_;
>>>> my @models = grep {
>>>> UNIVERSAL::can($c->model($_),
>>>> 'result_source') }
>>>> $c->models;
>>>> $self->out($c, \@models);
>>>> 1;
>>>> }
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model/Person
>>>> sub show :GET :Path('') :Args(1) {
>>>> my ($self, $c, $model) = @_;
>>>> my @pkcols =
>> $c->model($model)->result_source->primary_columns;
>>>> my @pk_tuples = map(
>>>> { my $tuple = $_; csv_encode(map({
>>>> $tuple->$_ } @pkcols)) }
>>>> $c->model($model)->search(undef,
>>>> {columns =>
>>>> \@pkcols,
>>>> distinct =>
>> 1,
>>>> order_by =>
>>>> \@pkcols})
>>>> );
>>>> $self->out($c, \@pk_tuples);
>>>> 1;
>>>> }
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model/Person;edit
>>>> sub edit :GET :Path('') :PathParam(edit) :Args(1)
>>>> {...}
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model/Person;add
>>>> sub add :GET :Path('') :PathParam(add) :Args(1)
>>>> {...}
>>>> # GET http://foo.com/model/Person;column_info
>>>> # GET
>> http://foo.com/model/Person.yaml;column_info
>>>> sub show_column_info :GET :Path('')
>>>> :PathParam(column_info) :Args(1) {
>>>> my ($self, $c, $model) = @_;
>>>> my $rs = $c->model($model)->result_source;
>>>> my %column_info = map { $_ =>
>>>> $rs->column_info($_)} $rs->columns;
>>>> $self->out($c, \%column_info);
>>>> 1;
>>>> }
>>>> # POST http://foo.com/model/Person;new
>>>> sub create :POST :Path('') :PathParam(new)
>> :Args(1)
>>>> {...}
>>>> # PUT http://foo.com/model/Person/32
>>>> sub update :PUT :Path('') :Args(2) {...}
>>>> # DELETE http://foo.com/model/Person/32
>>>> sub destroy :DELETE :Path('') :Args(2) {...}
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