[Catalyst] Re: is it normal?

Fayland Lam fayland at gmail.com
Tue Aug 14 05:20:44 GMT 2007

hmm, it's not a problem under mod_perl (just tested). so I think it's 
fine. just ignore it plz.


Fayland Lam wrote:
> well, I'm trying to benchmark my App.
> so write something like this as a plugin:
> ...........
> sub prepare_write {
>    my $c = shift;
>      my $starter = [gettimeofday];
>    $c->NEXT::prepare_write(@_);
>      my $elapsed = tv_interval( $starter, [gettimeofday] );
>    $c->log->debug("prepare_write took $elapsed.");
> }
> sub finalize_body {
>    my $c = shift;
>      my $starter = [gettimeofday];
>    $c->NEXT::finalize_body(@_);
>      my $elapsed = tv_interval( $starter, [gettimeofday] );
>    $c->log->debug("finalize_body took $elapsed.");
> }
> ...................
> and try to visit a URL, then I get:
> [debug] finalize_uploads took 0.000415.
> [debug] finalize_cookies took 0.000413.
> [debug] finalize_headers took 0.001498.
> [debug] finalize_body took 2.652885.
> [info] Request took 3.533799s (0.283/s)
> isn't the finalize_body taking too much time? or it's normal?
> if it's abnormal, how can I improve the finalize_body? better IO disk?
> Thanks a lot.

Fayland Lam // http://www.fayland.org/

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