[Catalyst] access stash outside methods
Jonathan Rockway
jon at jrock.us
Wed Aug 22 02:00:03 GMT 2007
Aditya Verma wrote:
> Hi All,
> I want all of my controllers to register there respective URLs with
> description. this data will be used in template to create dynamic HTML
> pages.
> controllers will register URLs at catalyst startup.
> I have to store this data into variable (not in any file or database)
> which will be accessible in all the controllers.
> To get the registration work I have to write statement outside of all
> controller methods to execute the same at the time of catalyst startup. =
How about using attributes?
pacakge MyApp::Controller::Anything;
use base 'MyApp::Controler::HasDescription';
sub some_action
:Path :Args(1) :URL('/some_action/*') :Description('Some
action!') {
# your action
# etc.
Those get parsed at startup time, and you can probably shove them in
$app->config or somewhere similarly convenient. You can also just walk
all actions and look for the URL and Description attributes. This is
pretty easy to do, but I don't know the details so I will let you glean
them from the code/docs. $c->action_for('/some_action')->attributes
should be close. Have fun.
Jonathan Rockway
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