[Catalyst] How to create accessors to preload static data once per
server instance
bits_catalyst at itools.com
Wed Aug 22 21:58:19 GMT 2007
I struggled with this for way too long, and finally asked for some help on
#catalyst. mst dished out some wisdom there that I've captured into a stub
that could be a starting point for a cookbook recipe:
When you have data that you want to load just once from the model at server
load instead of for each request, use mk_group_accessors to create accessors
and tie them to resultsets in your package that inherits from
package My::Schema;
use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
__PACKAGE__->mk_group_accessors('simple' => qw(ACCESSORNAME1
sub connection {
my ($self, @rest) = @_;
# $self is now a live My::Schema object, complete with DB connection
$self->ACCESSORNAME1([ $self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->all
$self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->search({ COLUMN => { '<' => '30' }
})->all ]);
$self->resultset('RESULTSOURCEMONIKER')->find(1) ]);
and now in the controller, you can now access any of these without a
per-request fetch:
$c->stash->{something} = $c->model('My::Schema')->schema->ACCESSORNAMEn;
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