[Catalyst] [newbie]How to call stored procedure?

Jason Kohles email at jasonkohles.com
Fri Dec 28 14:41:49 GMT 2007

On Dec 28, 2007, at 8:19 AM, Tony Winslow wrote:

> Hi, all!
> I've stored procedures defined in my database schema, and I need to  
> call them in my code.
> The arbitrary-sql approach won't help since it writes sql statements  
> in source code to act as stored procedures. So could I do that in  
> DBIx?
You were probably looking in the Catalyst docs rather than the  
DBIx::Class (I'm assuming because you asked the Catalyst mailing list,  
rather than the DBIx::Class mailing list, which would have been more  
appropriate.  Had you checked the DBIx::Class documentation, you  
probably would have found this in the cookbook...

Arbitrary SQL through a custom ResultSource

        Sometimes you have to run arbitrary SQL because your query is  
        complex (e.g. it contains Unions, Sub-Selects, Stored  
Procedures, etc.)
        or has to be optimized for your database in a special way, but  
        still want to get the results as a DBIx::Class::ResultSet.  The
        recommended way to accomplish this is by defining a separate
        ResultSource for your query. You can then inject complete SQL
        statements using a scalar reference (this is a feature of

email at jasonkohles.com - http://www.jasonkohles.com/
"A witty saying proves nothing."  -- Voltaire

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